Monday, October 20, 2008

Handy Breakfast Recipe

I don't know what the official name of these breakfast egg cups is, but they are handy and so good. My kids were so excited to wake up to the smell of them yesterday morning. I make a ton of them because they are handy for a quick breakfast on school days. Store the leftovers in a gallon ziplock in the refrigerator. You just microwave them for 20 seconds and they are ready to eat. Here is the recipe:

Breakfast Egg Muffins/Quiches

12 eggs

package of Stovetop Stuffing

1 package of bacon, sausage, or ham cubes

1 cup of grated cheese (I use cheddar)

Preheat your oven to 400. Grease a 12 cup muffin tin. These will stick if you don't grease the tin really well. I always use cooking spray and then margarine and I never have any trouble. Prepare stuffing mix as package directs in the microwave. Beat the eggs in a large bowl. Add cooked crumbled bacon, sausage, or ham. Add the stuffing. Add the cheese. Spoon into muffin tins. Bake for 20 minutes. Pop the muffins out of the tins while they are still hot. Enjoy! They won't last!


Lia said...

Oh those sound so Yummmy!!!! Nik's always looking for something better for breakfast. I'll make some of these for him. First, I need to go grocery shopping!!

Lia said...

K, made these lastnight and the kids gave them a test run. Score!! They love them!! Thanks.