My friend Michelle had a brilliant idea to form a team and join Salt Lake Get Fit. We are proudly called "The
Wanna'bes." Our team members are Michelle, her daughter-in-law Leslie (who just had a baby), Larry (because he is game for anything), Jordan (the youth factor), and myself. Although we are getting our butts kicked by everyone, this has been a great experience. It has given us a reason to get out and MOVE. We have walked at quite a few new venues since you get points for going to different walking trails in Salt Lake. We are all more competitive than we care to admit. Even Jordan hasn't complained and I am sure he is just thrilled to be hanging out with a group of "old farts" (except Leslie). As long as you promise him a trip to Starbucks, he is in! We all look forward to our walks and we are exercising like mad so Cream O' Weber doesn't show us up too badly! The goal is the 5K in September. I hope my knees can take it.
You go girl!!
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