Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Golf Graduates!!!!

As many of you know, I signed Dylan and Jordan up for golf lessons. After all, when Dylan is wheeling and dealing over his software patents when he becomes a high powered executive, it can't hurt to do your negotiating on the golf course! Joe, on the other hand, probably has aspirations of becoming the next Tiger Woods! This was the best $25.00 I have ever spent!The program is called Tee-off for Teens and it included eight 2-hour lessons at West Ridge Golf Course, free meals, prizes along the way, and at the end of the lessons they each received a bag and set of custom clubs, at no extra charge!!! Graduation was the final night and after a "banquet" of pizza and breadsticks, we watched them get their clubs. Dylan also won an award for closest to the pin (chipping). Then, with Larry chauffeuring, we watched the boys play 4 holes of golf. I got to see a great deal of scenery during those holes; water, trees, sand, weeds etc. Also, the golf course has some very nice scenery, but as you can see from the pictures, the loveliest scenery includes a marvelous view of the industrial side of West Valley! Since they were the oldest, Dylan and Jordan were among the first group out so they got to tee off in front of a large group of parents. Talk about nerve wracking! I know I couldn't do it. Along with some wicked slices on Dylan's part and a fair amount of worm burners (from both of them), they did hit a few good shots. They both had the wonderful experience of hitting out of the sand trap, and did pretty darn well at that! Even though they won't be joining the pro-am tour any time soon, Dylan and Joe both have fallen in love with the game and I'm sure there will be some rounds with Larry and Grandpa in the future. I think some more practice on the driving range and some putting might be in order first, otherwise 9 holes could take all day!!! At any rate, I am proud of them both for really taking this seriously and sticking with it. Now they are all set for corporate world!!!


Lia said...

Yep, definately reading for the white collar world now!!

DeeAnn said...

Congrats to the golf graduates! We recognize Jim Wadsworth in the pix. We have known him all his life. He lived around the corner from us on Peggy Circle. He went to a high school dance with Erica--he was also Chris scout leader and basketball coach at church and Alex's teacher--so we have a long list of connections with Jim--small world!

Lia said...

I,obviously type so fast I don't pay attention to what words I'm using. I meant to say, "Yep, definately ready to the white collar world now!"

Lia said...

Dang, still got it wrong!!