Friday, January 29, 2010

Fun Times at the DMV!!!

OK, so it has been absolutely ages since I have written anything. My bad! Lot's to catch up on, but for the moment, it's all about my "fun" trip to the DMV with Joe. It started out smoothly, picture taken in the first 10 minutes. Then came the hours of sitting. Jordan and I read every trivia question. The DMV provides this service on their wall between countless guilt trips to become an organ donor, which, by the way, everyone should consider! We were there so long, the trivia started over and Jordan and I had memorized every answer. Did you know that the average number of sesame seeds on a MacDonalds Big Mac is 178? Fascinating stuff! I have to say, it's good that Jordan and I really enjoy each other's company because we spent 2 1/2 hours of quality time together. We took pictures of ourselves, texted, and laughed at random things. We laughed (or were hysterical, not sure which) because the DMV numbers kept getting messed up. (see picture) It even spelled Dib and we considered texting the picture to Anthony because his last name is Dib, but alas neither of us have his number. Finally, they called Jordan's magic number D346 and we both felt like we had won the lottery, although it cost us $30.00! End result, a new licensed driver in the house. Of course, Beans and Brew had to follow so we could "decompress" after so much waiting. Then, Five Guys for the celebratory dinner. Way to go, Joe!


Lia said...

I really can't believe all these little boys are driving!!! How fun! Sitting at the DMV for hours sounds like a ton of fun. When Phil VOLUNTEERED to take Nik I was so excited! Tell Joe congratulations! It really is a big day for mother and son! Although you've been through this before.

Debbie said...

Yeah Joe! It took James and I three tries to get his license. I walked out the first two times after being told it was a 4 hour wait! In the end it still was over 3 hours starting at 6:40 am! I'm so glad it's over now!