Recently, I got some terrible news. My Aunt Mary, who I absolutely adore and who holds a special place in my heart, was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC). Yes, I know you have all been told 50 million times to get your mammogram annually etc. Here's the problem, IBC is often not detected by a mammogram. We have all been told, if you have a lump, get it checked out. There is often no lump with IBC. I have done a great deal of research and I want to share some of the symptoms of this aggressive form of cancer, because we all need to be aware. Here's what to look for:
- Swelling, usually sudden, sometimes a cup size in a few days
- Itching
- Pink, red, or dark colored area (called erythema) sometimes with texture similar to the skin of an orange (called peau d’orange)
- Ridges and thickened areas of the skin
- Nipple retraction
- Nipple discharge, may or may not be bloody
- Breast is warm to the touch
- Breast pain (from a constant ache to stabbing pains)
- Change in color and texture of the areola
My Aunt Mary is putting up quite a fight for her life. She has the most aggressive chemotherapy to endure and then surgery, followed by radiation and/or more chemotherapy. She is very brave and I think about her every day and pray for her. When I am faced with roadblocks in life, I have to take a minute and think about what is really important and is it worth wasting energy over. All of the day to day dramas pale in comparison to what my aunt is going through, and for that matter what my mom must be going through as well. She has been her caretaker and her advocate. These are some strong women, and I admire their courage.
Let me also say, if you find yourself facing this disease, MD Anderson Hospital in Texas is the ONLY IBC specific clinic in the world. They have been wonderful to my aunt. We have come so far in our research, but there is so little out there about IBC. Here are some links for more information.
Below is a video about IBC. Parts of it are a bit graphic, but I feel it's so important to be informed. I have lost too many loved ones to breast cancer. Get the word out. Information is power.
I will say a prayer for your Aunt Mary and for the rest of your family to be a source of strength during this time. I hope she prevails.
I will also keep your Aunt Mary and the rest of your family in my prayers and hope that this struggle will be overcome.
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